The search for ethical deodorant

The three ethical deodorants I've tried so far haven't ended up well. Firstly I used salt rock for a while but noticed minimal improvement and it didn't prevent me being smelly. Infact the salt rock itself ended up smelly! Given that the smell is caused by bacteria and the salt is supposed to stop bacteria growth this means that bacteria was growing and thriving on the salt which was supposed to stop it. This was problematic. Maybe I just have super strength bacteria? The next ones I tried were T'eo and The Greeench from Lush. I tried T'eo first, this was a solid bar and had no plastic packaging, it worked really well in terms of stopping me smelling but after a few weeks of use I got a bad reaction to it. I went back to Lush and talked to the staff who recommended The Greeench as this was more gentle. However this came in a plastic bottle and I still got a reaction from it. Next I tried Earth Conscious. This came in a nice tin and I was able to apply it us...