#plasticfreejuly week 1 round up

On twitter for #plasticfreejuly I have been sharing daily companies or ideas that have helped me reduce plastic. And follow me on @jojolw Here is my weekly round up. Day 1 Enjoying a #plasticfree #decaf #brew with @brewteaco Loose leaf and no plastic packaging Day 2 Funky Soap Shop for my face soap and shampoo bar (mum #hack - nits don't like tea tree so this one is my shampoo bar of choice for all the family 😁) Day 3 kids bamboo toothbrushes sold by @EKOearth_ Good size of brush for little mouths #parenting Day 4 @WonkyVegBoxes for (mostly) #plasticfree fruit and veggies delivered to my door. Also 👍 for reducing #foodwaste and donating to food banks Day 5 Remembering to take a reusable bag to the shops. Keep a small fold-up one in your handbag/car/hung up by your keys. Day 6 Remembering to take your own cup or mug to places that only give you disposables. Added benefit is knowing which your cup is at toddler groups! Day 7 @Earthwi...