Survivalist mode vs ethical choices

This last week we have been on a family holiday to Wales. We have had a good time bearing in mind that often when holidaying with young children is just dealing with them having a breakdown in a more picturesque location. But one thing I noticed was the huge increase in plastic waste we got through. When you're at home it's a lot easier to reduce plastic, you can gather, money permitting, your plastic free alternatives, local knowledge of the best places to shop, networks etc. It is a lot easier to prepare. When you're in a different country and you don't know the facilities, you're running on survivalist mode a lot more. Take this scenario. You are at a soft play. Child 1 is having a nice time. Child 2 is having a meltdown yelling that's she's scared and not letting you put her down but does want to go in to the soft play but not down. So you have to make your way out through the softplay whilst holding a screaming 2 year old. Kettlebell workouts h...