Seven bins aflowing

On Christmas eve this post popped up on my Facebook feed Black bin bags at the ready indeed. Christmas creates so much waste. We buy things with the sole purpose of throwing them away. Christmas cards which get put up for a couple of weeks then thrown away or at best recycled. Wrapping paper which gets torn open and scattered across your living room. Crackers. There is a Michael Macintyre skit where he asks what happened to the things we won in crackers. You don't get people saying anyone fancy a game of cards with this set of miniature cards that I won at Christmas? Because they end up in the bin that's why. To be honest, my least favourite Christmas tasks are writing cards and wrapping presents and to have an environmental excuse not to do them is somewhat of a relief. Last year we used blankets and reused paper bags to put the presents in. Were my children, then aged 2 and 5 disappointed not to come down to beautifully wrapped presents? No. They were more concerned ab...