Before Living room
Ah the living room, the room that people see when they enter your house, the area where you relax in an evening, and as its name suggests the area where the family lives so is definitely the worst offending area for clutter.

Books, I really don't feel like there is such a thing as too many books only too few bookshelves. But, and especially with the reference books do I really need to keep them? Will I ever actually use them? In the age of the internet?
I guess I probably won't ever get round to learning Russian.
And board! Leave my games alone...grrrrrrrr...... they're staying......infact if I got rid of some books maybe there would be room for more games?
So this one, yeah that's a bed against the wall there as a friend was moving house and giving it away but my youngest is still in a cot. But it's only a matter of time until she needs a bed and it can move!
Despite making full use of our local IKEA, this is the view from the sofa when we sit to relax in the evening. No wonder I'm stressed all the time!
And the covered remnants of a time long ago when I tried to be organised (underneath the pile of papers is a dish for bits and bobs.) And the noticeboard which keeps dropping things down the back of the cupboard when I overload it. And the broken lamp which I will fix, one day, maybe.
So there's a little bit to do here.....
*Runs screaming for the hills*
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