Fighting the powerful forces of Destructo-baby
Where ever there is a box to empty, where ever there is paper to rip and eat, where ever there is a tissue to tear into the tiniest of pieces and spread around the house, there she will be. My arch-nemesis in the fight to maintain a tidy (ish) house - Destructo-Baby!
As fast as a speeding bullet, as sneaky as a hundred ninjas, a master of mess.....
I think even if we lived in a cave on the remotest mountain with only the clothes on our back she would find a way to cause mess and destruction.
It's just the way she is and I love her and wouldn't change it for anything. Some battles aren't meant to be won.
As fast as a speeding bullet, as sneaky as a hundred ninjas, a master of mess.....
I think even if we lived in a cave on the remotest mountain with only the clothes on our back she would find a way to cause mess and destruction.
It's just the way she is and I love her and wouldn't change it for anything. Some battles aren't meant to be won.
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