
15 ways to live more environmentally that will also save you money

1) Buy secondhand

Second hand will save you money, many people sell or give to charity shops things that are almost like new. Clothes, toys, books etc.
Of course there are also items which aren't recommended that you buy new. (Article by The Balance website)

2) Wash clothes at 30

Most everyday clothes that are not heavily soiled can be washed at 30. Washing clothes too much can also damage the fibres, jeans and jumpers especially may not need to be washed if you've only worn them once.

3) Dry clothes outside if you can

If it is damp outside, raining or there's frost on the ground then it is unlikely that your clothes will get any drier. However any other day then stick them outside if you have an outside space. Even if they don't get fully dry then this will lessen the amount of time they need to dry inside or in the tumble drier.
Drying your clothes inside will also save you money over a tumble drier but ensure good ventilation to your home. Ideally if you can shut your drying clothes into a separate room and open the window in that room that will reduce the amount of condensation build up in the rest of your house which is bad for your health.

4) Turn down the heating

If it's the middle of winter and you are wearing shorts and a t shirt, you're either northern or your heating is on too high. Experiment with the heating so that it's comfortable when you're wearing a warm jumper. Everybody has a different threshold though so what is comfortable for one person might be an ice palace for another as anybody who has worked in an office will know!

5) Embrace reusables

Reusable often have a higher initial cost that will save you money over the long term so this depends on you having enough money upfront.
Nappies, sanitary towels, mooncups, wipes, razors, straws, make up removal pads, most things that are designed to be thrown away now have a reusable version.

6) Create meal plans

Creating meal plans will help with targeting what things you actually need to buy. This will save you money and cut down on food waste.

7) Walk or cycle more journeys if you are able

If you are able, cut down on driving local journeys and walk or cycle instead. If you only use your car infrequently look at whether it would be cheaper to hire a car for these occasions instead (if public transport isn't an option)

8) Watch less adverts

Adverts are often psychologically designed to produce an inadequacy response in use to feel that we need their product to add value to our lives. However one super power we have in our fight against them is to know this and be sceptical about them. Better still use an ad break to go to the toilet or boil the kettle. Most modern subscription services allow you to avoid adverts. Use the Martin's Money Saver mantra before you buy something - Do I need it? Can I afford it?

9) Mend things

Coat got a rip? Best throw it away and buy another one right? Or you could sew it up and save money and the environment.

10) Borrow

Need a one off item? Ask around to see if you can borrow one from friends or neighbours or if it can be hired.

11) Eat less takeaway

Especially takeaway that comes in plastic or polystyrene containers.

12) Use soap

Cost of Morrison's own brand hand wash £1 for 500ml.
Cost of Morrison's own brand soap £1.17 for 4.
Use it in place of shower gel and shampoo too. I use a special shampoo soap bar but you can just use regular soap too. Does it work as well as antibacterial handwash? Yep.

13) Make your own cleaning products (or forgo them completely)

Cut down on plastic bottles, harsh chemicals and cost by making your own cleaning products
Or use cloths such as Norwex or E-cloths where you only need to use water.

14) Turn that light off!

Turn off lights when you're not using them, turn things off standby, unplug chargers when not in use.

15) Eat less meat and dairy

Even if you're a die hard carnivore, your gut, your wallet and the environment (and the animals!!) will thank you for at least cutting down on the amount of animal products you eat. Obviously cutting all animal products out completely would be best but if this seems like too big a leap, just cutting back is still making a big difference! Embrace flexitarianism.


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